It's been a while since I last updated this blog so I thought that I'd better write a bit about the last few months.

We really enjoyed our last outing with the 5th wheel up in the Adirondacks. We had pretty good weather and were able to get out on some fine walks. The photo shows the general views across Lake Placid. The air was good and we could see clear into Canada. The journey back home was a little slow due to holiday traffic but all went well and we were soon back in our own bed.

The hot dry summer took its toll on the lawn whilst we weren't around to water it. Quite large sections had dried up and died. Rob had to get to work on re-seeding it to give it chance to grow before the cold weather set in. He tells me that the secret is in the straw mulching to stop the moisture loss. Whatever, it seems to have done the trick and we should have a green lawn once the snow melts away at the end of March.

The girls were pleased to get back to their own patch.
Late in the summer, each year, the local car club puts on an outdoor show not more than 3 miles from us. We were determined to go along this year to see what it was all about. There were custom cars, vintage restorations and hot rods of all kinds. There was even a fair smattering of old British cars. They were blessed with a beautiful day at the foot of the Shawangunk Ridge.

It was good to be back at home as far as sewing was concerned. There is only so much I can take with me when we go travelling. I had quite a few things to finish off and a few more items that I'd planned to get started. These are a couple of things that I managed to complete. The wall quilt would eventually give Rob the inspiration for our Xmas card.

One of the very best aspects of living in this rural part of the country is that we have lots of visitors to our garden. Some, like the deer, are pretty regular vistors. From time to time we get a eal surprise. This young Coopers Hawk was sitting up in the tree overlooking the bird feeder. Luckily for our regular feathered friends, he decided not to take up residence.

Our friends Gil and Sara joined us for a Sunday outing to a craft fair at the Woodstock site at Bethel Woods. I can always get Rob to drive me out there. It touches his inner hippy thing (he's older than me :-) There were various crafts and local produce on display but I particularly wanted to see the llamas.
Autumn is always a wonder here. It brings beautiful colours and spectacular sunrises.

Luck was on my side when I had a big wish granted. I picked up a contract that sent me to London for a few weeks. This gave me a chance to see family and, of course, to be there for grand daughter Alana's 3rd birthday. How can it have gone so quickly. The work aspect was long and hard but it was all worth it to be there to see Alana's happy smiling face. It makes me so proud to see Sarah doing such a great job with her. I can hardly wait until the next opportunity. Oh well, thank goodness for Skype!

To round out a wonderful year Kat and Iain joined us for Christmas. We managed to combine just the right mix of exercise and eating ..... perhaps! The weather cooperated to allow us to take a couple of good walks on the ridge and then, right on queue, the snow came in to give us a white Christmas. This gave us a chance to use new snow shoes.

We also got to try out cross country skiing up at Mohonk Mountain House. I've been trying to get the "grinch" (aka Rob) to give it a go for a couple of years. He couldn't find any more excuses and ended up liking it. Who'd have thought it. Anyhow, we all had a great time and it put the icing on a really lovely Christmas cake.

A New Year and a new blog. I'm doing so much sewing related things that I have decided to start a new blog at
Rob will keep this one up to date so that we can keep everybody informed of travel related goings on. Happy New Year to everybody.
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