Not the one in the picture though. He's not allowed on that toy. Work is nearly complete on the landscaping. Most of the hard work has been done, the planting is almost there and the new grass shoots will be up before we know it.

It's also great that we have had visitors out to see us and have re-stocked Rob's essential Euro food store. (Branston, Cheddar and Tesco Muesli - No Added Salt or Sugar). He gets (even more) grouchy without his regular fix.
Work has been keeping me busy with trips to California, Nevada, Florida and also Montreal in Canada. The next big trip involves golf. That means I've been trying to get back into the swing (hehe) of things. I've got a good caddy to carry my clubs around the practice course! He needs a little training to stop him trailing the trolley across the greens and to stop giving advice ...... but he's not bad!
There has been lots of animal activity in the garden. We have regular visits from a group of wild turkey (now that Thanksgiving is a long way off). The old male shows off to three or four young ladies each morning.

Yesterday we got our selves sorted and went out for a long walk. We are so lucky to have a mountain in our back garden. We took a circular walk from "Sam's Point" for around 9 miles through dwarf pine trees, past lookouts that gave us terrific views of the Catskills and the surrounding area. We were both pooped at the end of the day and collapsed on the sofa. We had a really good day though.

1 comment:
Looking good in Spring... Must save money and visit.
You two be careful when going on those walks. You're both grandparents, don't want any hips being put out :p
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