I am officially Sleepless and in Seattle! what a week I have had. Rob travelled back to the UK on Tuesday and on Thursday I drove to Newark so that I could get home for the weekend. Managed to miss the junction on the way and had fun trying to find the airport so I was running a little late by the time I got there. Thought everything turned out OK until I realised later that I had left my apartment keys in the returned hire car!
Arrived in the UK early Friday morning and had a few hours sleep before going into town to transfer the money over for the new house. We then went to the registrar office and booked a slot for the wedding - Yes it's official we are getting married on 29Th December, more information on the party that evening to follow. Rob and I then went looking for a wedding ring and after finding the one we wanted, off to meet Toni for a coffee and a chat.
On Saturday off to take Sarah and Peter out to lunch, Sarah's bump is huge now I am sure she should have some scaffolding to help support the weight. We then drove down to Southampton and spent a few hours with Sue, Malcolm and Patrick they are all looking really well. Off to Rob's mums and a quick chat with them and also Tom and Jill who were down for the weekend and then the main event! Ruth's 40Th birthday party( sorry Ruth but not many people read this anyway !!)
Great time there with all the family and then a drive back to pick up Sarah and back to the house. Spent Sunday packing and then Toni came and picked me up so that I could fly to Seattle. Trip was very uneventful until I landed as Seattle. There was a customs guy waiting at the plane door for me eek! seems that someone had entered my passport number into the system wrongly and so it set off alerts when I checked in. It took about 30 Min's to sort it out and then everything was OK although he did warn me that I may get issues for my next few trips.
Seattle has gale force winds and torrential rain - and there is heavy snow forecast for NY state on Tuesday - so I will change my flight to the Wednesday if possible.
Anyway I think that is enough surprise, celebrations and scares for one week XX
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